When Working Backward Can Actually Move Your Software Product or Business Forward

It is very easy for a solo-programmer and solo-founder to get overwhelmed or side-tracked when developing a software product/business, such as a WordPress plugin or a micro-Saas (Software as a Service). In this episode we will looking at a planning technique called backward planning or reverse planning. I originally learned it from a professional business coach many years ago, and it really gave me some “aha” moments. I will be giving you some concepts, with real-world examples how it has helped me with my side-hustle projects, such as pluggedintoprogramming.com.     

Even the best laid plans can sometimes unravel.  Everyone who has ever created a software product or business has gotten “stuck”.  I have a segment of coaching in this podcast where I give you strategies to get yourself focused on what is really important. Remember, done is better than perfect.  You can do it!  Enjoy.